Monday, August 30, 2010

stickman society: beginning

spike packs up his luggage, heads out the door and calls for a taxi. "where are you off to in such a hurry,son?" the taxi driver asked. spike replied with "on my way to freedom..."
spike stands infront of the college. "finally, a chance to start a new life, a new beggining. plus im as far away as possible from stixs >:D." then he heard a voice scream out his name from a distance...a familiar, yet annoying voice. "SPPPPPIIIIIKKKEEE!" "._. Oh dear" stixs ran towards spike and asked "what are you doing here,buddy!?" "-shouldnt i be asking you that question?-_-" stixs: "i had to do ALOT of things to get here...'nuff said. 0__0" they begin to enter the college and stixs notices something odd inside the building. "dude...this is...A CO-ED COLLEGE!...spike?" spike manages to sneka away to look for his dorm room. "room 409. i swear if my room mate is stixs, im killing myself. T.T" Stixs opens the door to his room. " 118?" stixs finds a kid his age already unpacking on the floor. "hey guess we're roommates" said the kid "names ethan." stixs quickly asked "are you gay? ._."...."-umm...what? ._." stixs grabbed ethan by the shirt as if he was talking serious business. "dammit i dont have all night! just answer the question!" "-NO, DUDE!" stixs dropped him to the floor. "ok good cause i had a bad experience once...but the names stixs ^_^." ethan just stood there and said " that the 'WTF' part is over, can i please finish unpacking?"
spike opened the door to his room. "409?" a knife passes by his head, he ducks down so his life doesnt nearly come to a stop. the guy who threw the knife speaks. "sorry, didnt mean to nearly end your life...names zeduro." zeduro looked like a hardcore emo phsyco, kinda like the guys you DONT want to be paired up with in prison, unless you want a knife in your neck while you're sleeping. with his heart nearly poping out of his shirt, spike simply replies "umm yea...sure...dont sweat it...names spike." zeduro was kind enough to tell spike how he got into the college. "i moved here with my cousin,neon a while back. spike was in shcok when he heard this guy mention neon, a good friend of his. THIS guy is related to NEON? other than that, spike was happy to know neon was in this school. made him wonder who else is here...
stixs hid through the bushes and pounced immediately on top of aipom and gave him a big hug. aipom immediately thought to himself "please be a chick, PLEASE be a chick....DAMN! its a dude! and of all dudes...its stixs -_-" stixs spoke in joy "how've you been,buddy!? oh my god these are guna be the best 4 years of college ever." -" can let go of me now." before stixs could let go, a misterious girl gave stixs a random hug, which was able to knock stixs and aipom to the ground. the misterious girl just hopped away singing joyfully. "who was that?" aipom asked. "i dont know...but she randomly hugged me...ME! no girl does that!...she digs guna ask her out." "i can give you 5 reasons why thats a bad idea." said aipom. -"name 'em! i dare ya!"
1.) you dont know her/or her name
2.) 0% chance she likes you
3.)girls give out random hugs alot now a days
4.)you might never see her again
"ok fine...jeesh :<
the bell rings, it meant it was lunch time. it was the perfect opportunity for everyone stixs new to get together. stixs spoke "guys, lets make an make these the best 4 years of college." spike and aipom paused for a moment. "fine...why not." and the oath was made. which meant the beggining of a new story...

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